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Your dermatologist in Vienna

Acne Rosacea

Diagnosis & treatment

Acne Rosacea


Rosacea (also known as couperose or acne rosacea) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. In rosacea patients, it primarily affects the skin on the face. For many, the condition has a gradual onset but worsens over time. Often, patients initially have only “red veins” on their face, which are cosmetically bothersome.

I am here for you!

In my private practice, I dedicate time to you without the usual waiting times. With my extensive experience as a dermatologist in both clinical and research settings, I treat you and your skin concerns according to the highest medical standards. My goal as your dermatologist is for you to regain and maintain your health and to feel better overall.

Priv. Doz. OA. Dr. Igor Vujic

DR. Igor Vujic - dermatologist in Vienna 1030

Dr. Igor Vujic

Dermatologist in Vienna 3rd district

Languages: German / English / Croatian

Opening hours

  • MO

    08.45 - 18.30

  • DI

    08.45 - 14.30

  • MI

    08.45 - 14.30

  • Do

    08.45 - 18.30

  • Fr

    08.45 - 13.30

Frequently Asked Questions & Information on Acne Rosacea

What Causes Rosacea?

Rosacea is believed to result from a combination of genetic factors, immune responses, and microorganisms, particularly Demodex mites. However, the exact causes of rosacea are not yet fully understood. Ultimately, inflammatory processes lead to the proliferation of small blood vessels in the skin, causing the characteristic symptoms.

What Symptoms Are Associated with Rosacea?

Rosacea can manifest in various stages and often exhibits a relapsing course. As the disease progresses, flare-ups may become more frequent, advancing from lower to higher stages.

  • Stage 0 and 1 (Erythematous Rosacea): In the early stages, dilated blood vessels cause transient redness in the facial skin (flushing). Some patients exhibit a reddish hue, while others may appear bluish (livid).
  • Stage 2 (Papulopustular Rosacea): At this stage, patients develop acne-like papules and pustules, which may be accompanied by facial swelling.
  • Stage 3 (Phymatous Rosacea): These are the late stages of rosacea. In men, excessive tissue growth can lead to nodular changes on the nose (rhinophyma), chin (gnatophyma), forehead (metophyma), or ears (otophyma).
    Importantly, rosacea can also affect the eyes (ocular rosacea), leading to chronic eyelid inflammation, which can sometimes impair vision.
    Treatment Options for Acne Rosacea (Couperose)

What Treatments Are Available for Rosacea in Vienna?

Many effective treatment options for rosacea are available today. For mild forms, topical therapies, such as specially formulated creams or ointments applied by the patient, often suffice. Active ingredients like Ivermectin, Metronidazole, Brimonidine, and Permethrin have shown good efficacy in studies.
For more advanced stages, patients may be prescribed low-dose antibiotic therapy with Minocycline or Doxycycline.

Can Rosacea Patients Take Action Themselves?

Diet and Nutrition: Dr. Vujic advises rosacea patients to avoid foods that can trigger skin flushing, such as alcohol, spicy foods, and very hot beverages. Patients often discover their own tolerances through personal experience.

Skin Care: The skin of rosacea patients tends to be very sensitive. Dr. Vujic recommends a gentle facial cleansing routine using a specially formulated cleansing milk that has proven effective for many patients. Direct sun exposure should be avoided, and patients should refrain from using regular soaps on their faces. 

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